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ICDAA offers tools to improve classroom teaching, evaluate program quality and construct curricula. Knowledgement of Dermatoglyphics Analyst can prepare students to be successful in many different careers — from the social sciences to business and beyond.


To the development and maintenance of standards for the practice of Dermatoglyphics analsys and consultation, and for the certification and recognition of practitioners. We offer formal certification for Dermatoglyphics Analysis Professionals. The program has been carefully designed to be in compliance with the International Standard for certifying the competence of personnel.


Suggested Certified Dermatoglyphics Analyst Program Content


  • Early Childhood Development

  • Dermatoglyphic History

  • Dermatoglyphic Scientific Background

  • Fingerprint Characteristic and Classification

  • Neuro-physiology

  • Applied Psychology

  • Customer Relationship and Communication Skills





Certified Dermatoglyphics Analyst Program

Certified Dermatoglyphics Analyst
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